Tag: vibration
10 Things I Love About My Life
Raising My Vibrations by Tapping Into Abundance Tapping into Abundance: Understanding What’s Really Going on with The Law of Attraction and Healing Your Relationship with Money by Carol Looks and Jessica Ortner This was the one of the exercises that she suggested tapping. So the 10 things I love are: Where I live- I call…
Planet Earth- A Gift
Today I Am Grateful For…….. This movie is a gift from the makers of the secret and sure to raise your vibes. It allowed me to mediate on the beauty of planet earth and be grateful for [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY5giiMBbbg[/youtube] When you experience Planet Earth, the positive vibration of your energy will emanate out like a stone…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #72
I am grateful today for: The excitement I felt when a beach friend pulled out the clipping From the Tweed Daily news about my talk yesterday and it was 7 AM I had just bought the paper and the newsagent owner was reading the piece as I left the newsagency. Being able to inspire todays…