Tag: sunset
What Am I Grateful For Today? #130
Today I am so happy and grateful for: seeing dolphins at play this morning- pure magic taking some time to treat my body, soaking the feet, having a bath, taking care of me my new hairdresser who understands my hair was caring, has great people skills and has brightened the salon up too. all the…
What Am I Grateful For Today #99
Today I am grateful for The magic of the internet where my wonderful friend Stephanie Bell who lives in Las Vegas was able to show me her wonderful new home and all her beautiful angels. The magic of the color and light in the sky as I was preparing dinner tonight for the power of…
What Am I Grateful For Today #96
Today I am grateful for The magic of the sky at sunset as we went for our afternoon walk The abundance I received at the markets today- besides getting wonderful fresh fruit and vegetables I received FREE a cos lettuce, an avocado and a large zucchini as Darren the farmer said it was almost a…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #89
I am grateful today for Loving and accepting who I am feeling so excited about moving forward with my life the exciting week ahead- all new and exciting Sunset Magic, just love the colors the amazing community I have joined at Social Media Traffic Blueprint, just listened to my first MP3 this is going to…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #86
I am grateful today for Amazing Social Media Traffic Blueprint Call with Maria Andros The wonderful sky on our sunset walk last night at Coolangatta. This is looking towards Surfers Paradise. My passion for cooking and exploring new recipes like last night dinner, Baked pumpkins with Feta. Recipe came from David Herbert from The Weekend…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #76
Today I am grateful for: Decluttering and finding some great old tapes like Marianne Williamson on Success, great for self love and a laugh The amazing fish & chips we had for lunch for a discount- don’t you love a free voucher. The wonderful farm fresh fruit and vegetables we bought at the markets yesterday.…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #75
Today I am grateful for: The amazing sunset we saw last night, almost surreal. having access to a good library where I was able to borrow four inspirational books including the new Byron Katie book which has a great title:Who Would You Be Without Your Story?: Dialogues with Byron Katie Walking up and seeing the…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #74
I am grateful today for: The amazing sky at sunset yesterday the joy I feel sitting in the sun on this July winters day as I write this this fantastic video I found yesterday, enjoy[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pke9gEZfJXk[/youtube] the wonderful flavor of fresh tomatoes on toast for breakfast today the quiet day I am having alone today, it…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #62
Today I Am Grateful For: This amazing sunset I saw through my kitchen window, so out came the camera and on went the shoes and outside to capture the magic. for the new financial year here in Australia and taking real action on our plans. Weekly action now on the calendar the beautiful fresh just…