Tag: meditation
Gratitutude, Gifts and Gains
Today I am grateful for: The joy of sitting in the sun meditating after today’s morning walk Getting clear about who I am and what I do Being blessed to be able to sit in the sun and work at my laptop Having my mac back, what a delight The support of other bloggers in…
Saturday Gratitude
What I am Grateful For Today………….. Sitting in th e winter sun enjoying lunch Walking barefoot on the beach this morning-love the contact with the earth My new mentor coach for her fantastic daily emails, the wonderful Q & A, it was worth getting up at 2AM-amazing how my body woke up. The shift I…
Mondays, Mornings and Meditation
Today I Am Grateful For……. Mondays are wonderful for new beginnings and open up to the wonders of a new week ahead Motivation to get back to writitng here each day- I have been away and took time out from the computer. I did continue to write each day in my journal , missed writing…
Saturday Gratitude
Today I am Grateful for The wonderful community I have found with the Happiness, Abundance & Millions program- awesome people the wonderful relaxing bath and meditation time I took today Des’s great way with words that continues to inspire me Hooking up with new friends via skype the rain that fell last night, so welcoming…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #124
Today I am so happy and grateful for: The moon shining through the kitchen window as I was making my morning cleansing lemon drink The telephone that allows me to keep in touch with family and friends the wonderful new slow cooker what a time saver the love I have from Des each day- I…
What Am I Grateful for Today? #119
Today I am so happy and grateful for: old friends who call and share their life with me, taking time to listen amazing JV call Janet Beckers held today and all the new twitterers I met and conversed with today. This was one amazing sharing taking more time for meditation, feeling more centered amazing Q&A…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #53
Today I am Grateful For: Waking up early feeling excited about the day ahead, I feel a shift coming Doreeen Virtue’s Abundance meditation Being healthy amazing class yesterday with Ann Rusnak and my Focus mojo classmates and my realization that I can move forward now, this is not the time to delay Day 5 of…
What Am I Grateful For Today? #50
Today I am so grateful for so many things as I was feeling yesterday I really didn’t have a handle of the feeling side, the waves of emotion. the worldwide gratitude gathering community where there are so many inspiring stories. skype that allows me feel like I am in the same room with my friend…