Tag: love

  • 5 Things I am Grateful For Today

    This amazing sunset over the Tweed River , it actually was red Des and his amazing patience with me, so much love ♡♡♡ Knowing that I am on my way to working a 4 Hour Work Week- taking the first step in hiring a VA Having such wonderful friends to help me see my talents…

  • Can You Feel The Love?

    Today I Am Grateful For This very special poem that touched my soul. I am grateful to my friend Mari Smith for sharing this on facebook [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mndsMqz54aA[/youtube] Can you feel the Love? namaste Suzie Follow me on twitter Friend me at Facebook Join the fanpage at Facebook

  • Friday Gratitude and Love

    Today I am Grateful for The Love List Project: Kristin Tennant from Halfway to Normal has started The Love List project and each Friday you can share your love list on your blog and on twitter, by using #lovelist hashtag. I was first alerted to this project by Lance at Jungle of Life and the…

  • Tuesday Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for: My hands and all the amazing things they can do and be: My hands: type and write draw and paint touch and feel heal massage give love hold and support stitch and sew chop and cut hug pray Each day these 2 hand do so much and each day they…

  • Monday Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for: Lisa’s kindness in dropping in my book- a great new friend, life is a blessing Talking with my accountability buddy each Monday- sets a great tone for the week, even when I realise I must make change to move forward fast Love, the amazing Love List Project that is spreading…

  • Tuesday Gratitude

    How an Attitude of Gratitude Can Attract More Abundance I am grateful for the sun I am grateful for the sea I am grateful for the love I have inside of me I am grateful for my eyes I am grateful for my ears I am grateful for my hair I am gratful for my…

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #139

    I am grateful today for: that I took the  time to spend with friends on and offline. having Michael Losier as a mentor- brings me back to reality when I lose focus for all the tools I have to use when I lose focus, I remembered I hadn’t been tapping! Des’s love and support, he…

  • Day 109: What Am I Grateful for Today?

    Today I am grateful for: this amazing sunrise sky I saw as I was sitting at my computer early this morning, truly abundant. Don’t you love the free gifts nature gives us? my friend Julie Hart who I meet with each month supporting one another on our journey to becoming Millionaires. I love having someone…

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #86

    I am grateful today for Amazing Social Media Traffic Blueprint Call with Maria Andros The wonderful sky on our sunset walk last night at Coolangatta. This is looking towards Surfers Paradise. My passion for cooking and exploring new recipes like last night dinner, Baked pumpkins with Feta. Recipe came from David Herbert from The Weekend…

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #86

    Today I am grateful for: The generosity of Brian Williams in sharing his amazing experience of Maria Andros’s Socal Media Traffic Blueprint coaching program the abundance of fresh air and sunlight I have in my life, makes me feel alive the freedom I have to take my laptop out in the sun and write The…