Tag: Inspiration

  • Gratitude Opens Your Heart To Joy

    Day 11- The Gratitude Challenge There is nothing as magnetic to positive life experiences as a joyful heart. Joy is heart-centered, and is the spiritual expression of happiness. It is centered in deep gratitude and awareness, and it can be generated by the smallest of things. -Nicole Cody Day 11 of the Gratitude Challenge  Nicole…

  • Have You Counted Your Blessings Today?

    Day 2- Gratitude Challenge I have drawn this card for the second day in a row so I just had to share thss with you as this was part of the meassage from the guidebook: Put your focus on enjoying and appreciating each blessing. Your gratitude helps you attract even more blessing into your life.…

  • Join The 30 Day Gratitude Program and Change Your Life

    Are you ready to change your life? Yesterday my friend and soul sister Nicole Cody from the  blog Cauldron and Cupcakes: don’t you just love the name 🙂 announced that she was going to run a 30 Day Gratiutde Challenge. She is doing this to help someone who currently is finding life challenging. In turn…

  • Gratitude For Magical Moments

    Day 23 The Gratitude Challenge My 5 blessings for today are: I am grateful to the sunset yesterday that I saw as I was was at the kitchen sink because it reminds me how magical mother nature is and it filled my heart with joy. I am truly grateful for being able to walk longer…

  • Inspired Gratitude

    “Gratitude comes easily when our lives are in order-when the bills are paid, the children are behaving, our health is good.  But our challenges are what bring the chance for transformation.  And it is for our deepest pain that we can be most grateful, because we know our hardship will deliver a lesson that refines…

  • Inspired Gratitude Love

    The view from my beach gym at Rainbow Bay © Suzie Cheel My friend Sandhan has  set up a group on Facebook called Inspired Gratitude Love and it has been the call to action that I needed to get this blog back on track. I am inspired every day to be grateful when I walk…

  • Attitude of Gratitude

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atq-JgYh5iA[/youtube] <br> Sometimes weekends are both full of abundance and are magical. The weekend just passed was one of those. I also have so many things to be grateful for. The magic of the morning beach walk a drive in the countryside of The beautiful Tweed Valley the magic of Mount Warning, there is a…

  • Monday Gratitude and Abundance

    Today I am grateful for This card I drew today after my meditation that reaffirmed for me I am following my right path. Keep focused on my intention. The magic of a Monday Morning beach walk with the moon still in the sky as the moon rises  on an almost deserted beach- sp special Knowing…

  • Sunday Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for Picnic lunch in the sun with yummy healthy homemade pizza, yes just finished reading Eat Love Pray– more insightful the second time around. Makes we ready to travel especially to Bali for the balance Free bananas from the markets today The taste and aroma of fresh strawberries for breakfast The…

  • Thursday Gratitude

    Today I am grateful for The wonderful patterns the clouds made in the sky this morning when I walked on the beach. What a greeting to start the day The magic tonight of the full moon in the sky- it had such a big smile 🙂 This wonderful message tonight from TUT: Sure, there have…