Tag: Abundance
Accelerated Manifesting Gratitude
I am Grateful for a Laser Coaching With Kendra Thornbury Yesterday I experienced a laser coaching session with Kendra Thornbury. I was impressed at Kendra’s skill at tapping into my hesitation as I shared my vison with her. We used skype for the session, something I love for coaching. Kendra noticed that my energy not…
Gratitude for Love
Today I am Grateful for….. All the love I have in my life and the abundance that surrounds me . As today which is Valentines Day- which is very commercial and I don’t usualy celebrate. I discovered that there was a Saint Valentine so explored a little more. Today I did give the love of…
Weekend Gratitude
Today I Am Grateful For…….. The wonderful weekend I have just had Spending time in nature Taking time out on Saturday to have fun Listening to a wonderful talk on using crystals at the Healthy, Harmony and Soul show, that reawakened my interest in using crystals in my life Feeling so abundant when I amassed…
Abundance is….
Today’s Word I Am Grateful for is…… Today’s word is Abundance – inspired my Kathy Griffiths comment yesterday, also it was my word in my 2010 Greeting Abundance is central to my life. The tagline Abundance Queen My blog Abundance Highway the simple ways I acknowledge the abundance I have in my life already atrracts…
A New Year: New Opportunities
Time for reflection, time for change……. I am grateful for all my readers and subcribers andI look forward to continuing to share and grow with you in 2010. This is going to be one special year.:) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJtf8USzkgA[/youtube] Please share you New Year’s intentions below PS: Today my friend Ellie Walsh is giving away a free…
10 Things I Was Grateful For In 2009
Today I Am Grateful to…. Jenny Mannion for her post today 10 Writing Exercises to Help you Bring in a Healthier and Happier New Year. No 1 on the list : Gratitude – Make a list of 10 things that DID go right in 2009 I decided to do this on paper an in color-…
Law of Attraction in Action
Today I Am Grateful For…….. “Each Thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends,so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thought and align them with love, peace and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies” Today I am very grateful to be part of The Social…
5 Things I Am Grateful For……….
“Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.”~ Edwin Arlington Robinson [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIFXle6LRls[/youtube] What are 5 things you are grateful for today? This post was created as part of a global groundswell of gratitude called TweetsGiving. The celebration, created by US nonprofit…
Abundance Abounds
Today I Am Grateful For……. Free movie we got to see tonight- Gran Torino– Clint Eastwood was so powerful. A wonderful movie that demonstrated how change can make a real difference and be empowering The abundance of be be live online for a Las Vegas seminar gratis this weekend even getting up at 3am was…
Godesses of Peace and Prosperity
Today I Am Grateful For……. Today I am grateful to Doreen Virtue and her wonderful decks of oracle cards. Each morning after I have done my morning meditations, I choose a deck of cards to shuffle and sometimes I trust my intuition to present me with guidance and others days I will ask a question.…