Tag: Abundance

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #53

    Today I am Grateful For: Waking up early feeling excited about the day ahead, I feel a shift coming Doreeen Virtue’s Abundance meditation Being healthy amazing class yesterday with Ann Rusnak and my Focus mojo classmates and my realization that I can move forward now, this is not the time to delay Day 5 of…

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #52

    Today I am grateful for: All the love I have in my life, it makes my heart sing The sunrise this morning at Snapper Rocks, magic on a misty winter morning The abundance I have in my life as I am always reminded of on calls with Michael Losier. Today’s session on allowing gave me…

  • What Am I Grateful For Today? #47

    Today I am Grateful For Having such a wise friend in Stephanie who reminded me I now have a great system to move forward with and I just need to follow it step by step! DO IT NOW! Just make one pie at a time. for being  fit and healthy and that my mouth is…