What Am I Grateful For Today? #2 & 3

May 6

  1. The great LOA Discussion group I hosted tonight
  2. I am grateful for the wonderful friendships I have
  3. I am grateful to Sue for opening her home to me
  4. I am grateful for the $ that is beginning to flow
  5. I am grateful for the energy that is opening up within me

May 7

I am grateful today for:

  1. EFT as I have finally got it that when I tap I release what ever emotion, resistance it there for me in the moment and I feel good, this morning I was feeling worried about lots of things, now I am smiling.
  2. The abundance I have in my life-I am doing so decluttering and as I give away more books, clothes etc I see I am creating space for the new to come in.I am also realising I am enough.
  3. Doreen Virtue for the Magical Mermaids and Dolphin cards that give me little nudges and that makes me feel good
  4. ME and the realization that I am becoming more accepting that when I love me more my life flows and I am becoming on purpose
  5. the freedom I have to be me.

Be Abundant

Wishing you a High Vibe Day


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