What Makes You Feel Wealthy And Full of Gratitude?

Day 27 The Gratitude Challenge


Abundance Flows From The Wings Of Gratitude– Suzie Cheel
Day 28 of the Gratitude Challenge: Today’s challenge is to focus on wealth and abundance:  Nicole says:

“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” ~ Jim Rohn

Money is not wealth.  Some of my most affluent clients do not have wealth- they just have bucket-loads of money.. Read more here

My 5 blessings for today are:

  1. I am grateful for 31 Days Blog Challenge because it will help to get my main blog http://suziecheel.com back on track! Thank you to Michell Shaeffer and Lisbeth Tanz
  2. I am truly grateful for the abundance that I do have in my life it because it allows me to be full of joy and gratitude daily.
  3. I am very grateful for the experiencesI have of travel as this gives me so many memories and reminds me of the wealth I have had in my life
  4. I feel so grateful for the abundance of time i have to spend time each day walking on a beach because it reminds me that i can be on holidays on a daily basis 🙂 People spend their moneys having holidays here at Rainbow Bay
  5. I am so grateful for the wealth of friendships I have and I give thanks for this on a daily basis because it fills my heart with love and joy.

What We Think About And Thank About, We Bring About! What will you think about today?

Now I am off to count my blessing then to the beach – wishing you a joy filled day. Please share your blessings below or at http://facebook.com/suziecheel



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