What I Am Grateful For Today……

The Joy of Living……


“Joy is an emotion of happiness”

Joy is a feeling that tells me my life is on track. When I feel joyful I experience also feelings of pure love and an abundance of all that is good in the world and in my life.

Today as I was doing my morning meditation and angel card reading and this card flew out. Following on from the posts last week on Joy is I thought I would share the words from the card

“Joy is the highest energy of all. it’s the magical sense that everythingis possible.

Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment.

Joy allows you to attract and create your present and future moments at their highest possible levels.”

Share your Joy today below…..



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Daily Guidance from Your Angels: 365 Angelic Messages to Soothe, Heal, and Open Your Heart

Card fromDaily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue

 Law of Attraction Mind Movies






2 responses to “What I Am Grateful For Today……”

  1. Walter Avatar

    “Joy springs from appreciating the gifts within each moment.” I think this is the most important virtue we must remember when we wake up in the morning. Instead of worrying what the future may bring, or the pains of the past, we should always see the present moment which holds an opportunity to see the beauty of life. 🙂

    1. Suzie Cheel Avatar

      So True Walter. Being in the present , the now is what we move towards as we acknowledge our path
      .-= Suzie Cheel´s last blog ..2010 Predictions =-.