What Am I Grateful For Today? #80

Today I am grateful for:

  1. The magic of this picture taken on our morning walk today
  2. Gifts my intuition has given me today
  3. Accepting that learning has it’s ups and downs, today has been a good example for me today, getting distracted by a shiny new ball. I am on a slow learning curve, sometimes I think:)
  4. Taking steps to know I am moving forward acknowleding myself- wow why is that sometimes a challenge
  5. The abundance I have in my life and this wonderful video that empowers me[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lIMRKCYKxg[/youtube]
  6. World Gratitude Gathering Day 32 – (K)NEW VIEW ON EVOLUTION check it out

What Are You Grateful For Today?


