I am grateful today for
- The amazing sunrise over a very windy and stormy sea. Pure Monday Magic! How wonderful it is to be alive
Beach Inspirations Magic Monday Sunrise© Suzie Cheel - Monday Morning Meetup group: A cup of inspiration: a great way to start the week with like minded people and reflect on the wonderful day we had with Sarah Jane Michaels on Saturday.
- finding the photo of me taken many years ago with Doreen Virtue, now I will finish the article for Heroes of Healing that I promised Jenny Mannion many months ago. I will post it here when I connect the scanner to a working computer. I have put this in the hands of Archangel Michael as Doreen would do and tomorrow the old PC will wake up
- to Samsung for their great help desk in getting printer working on the netbook. Tecnology today=patience.
- Day 22 of World Gratitude Gathering: Abundance
Consider this:
Abundance = currency = current see
Giving thanks for that which you currently “see” sets a pattern, allowing the Law of attraction to create a way for you to receive all you believe possible.
Just for today:Peacefully focus to what IS, giving thanks for current resources, surroundings, companionship,
opportunities, silence and sound.As you feel “in the flow”, Gratitude glowing within, shift to a space of intentional creation. Allow your heart to manifest an optimum pathway, a vision leading you through intended experiences filled with bliss and joy.
You may choose to lend your voice to this process, toning Ah-Om as you visualize, emotionally appreciate and intellectually assimilate your intended manifestation.
(remember: Ah = Attraction, Om = Gratitude)
As you enter this state of intentional manifestation, allow Gratitude to be your guide, continually shifting focus to appreciate an abundance of currency you are able to currently see! Read more …….
What are you grateful for today?
4 responses to “What Am I Grateful For Today? #70”
I just love this concept!
It is amazing we take everything for granted – start another blog called “WhatITookForGrantedToday?” ?
Love the header banner – pure genius.
.-= Andrew – We Build Your Blog´s last blog ..I’ve been Stumble Scammed =-.
Hi Andrew,
One thing I don’t ned is more blogs lol. Like the ideas though. I do have a Beach inspirations one in the works as i love the inspiration I get from the beach and thanks for the genius comment awesome
Hi Suzie!
I am soo excited to read your post on Doreen – thank you for keeping with it — I know how busy you have been.
I am sooo grateful that my town is hosting the NY Premiere of The living Matrix movie… WOW!!!!! Thank you for all your inspiration with BHAG!!!! You showed me we CAN make BIG things happen!
Lots of Love,
.-= Jenny Mannion´s last blog ..The Living Matrix New York Premiere =-.
yes I will write it this weekend, after I get your interview posted. I love when you remind me of my BHAG and sometimes forget how much I inspire and love inspiring people too
Will look out for you on SKYPe: check out this link- spent Saturday with Sarah Jane- http://houseofangels.com.au quite enlightening, and similar message to Abraham and a Dorren Virtue look