What Am I Grateful For Today?
- Today I am grateful to Mari Smith for her wonderful Q & A session on facebook and twitter great tips and tools to simplify the process.
- the joy I feel sitting in the sun today working, what a treat
- all the amazing free resources that people share online
- the world the has changed that I can talk with my friends for free around the world
- just for being me
- the power of the internet
- Day 11 of Gratitude Gathering Today’s gratitude exercise suggests focussing on spirals and circles for meditation. Here are two images that you can focus on for meditaion

You see …
spirals, circles, dots and grids
are all geometric signals of a happening shift
~ as seen by the minds eye~
entopic forms transporting us beyond the norm
to worlds of wonder, bliss, ecstasy and JOY
all present within YOU
opening through this symbol of Gratitude.
Go Gratitude!
Remember ~
our heavens dance in circles and spirals,
from the smallest atoms to the grandest galaxies.So it is, too, with you as Gratitude.
What are you grateful for today?