What am I grateful for today?

- The amazing sky tonight, the magic of the changing patterns and hues
- The wonderful comments I have from people joining the Law of Attraction in Action Fan Page at Facebook. I love that people are inspired
- The learning I got from settng up the facebook page today about tasks I can hand over to others, I am learning to delgate joyfully. 🙂
- I am grateful for my breath and how when i stop and remember to breath how it invigorates me and is a great way of refocussing
- Day 9 SEE(K) GRATITUDE at World Gratitude Gathering. This is a great reminder to be grateful for WHAT IS!
In order to gain a peaceful perspective
of current happynings and present possibilities,
Gracefully guide the Self to a State of Gratitude
by focusing attention on what IS ~
giving thanks for the large and small, the gift of it all
by using this powerfully-simple, ever-so-present tool
for creating NOW as it feels good to YOU.Remember – See(k) the world through Gratitude
and (k)new views will open for you.Just for today …
Look around ~ what (k)new views may be gained
by using Gratitude to transform:challenge to gift,
chore to chance,
detour and delay to a Divinely timed dance.
Go Gratitude!
What Are You Grateful For Today