Waking up and having a star smiling at me through the window
all the wonderful subscribers I have at Law of attraction in action. I was adding the feedburner for this site when I discovered that I was just a few shy of 1000- happy dance and thank you
the wonderful day ahead I have visioned today after my meditation
the power of hugs and this wonderful little book I have owned for many years and was prompted to take off the shelf seeing the theme on World Gratitude Gathering Today
The Little Book of Hugs
Open your arms ever so wide.
then lovingly wrap them round your front side
and HUG, HUG, HUG yourself.
Gently sway from left to right,
caressing the body with adoring pride,
squeezing, pleasing, and joyfully teasing
this earth suit holding YOU.
Now, imagine looking down from above …
Yes! It’s you hugging you in Gratitude with Love!
Go Gratitude
Go Gratitude!
Now that you’ve wrapped yourself in Gratitude, extend this gift to others, too! Next time you do – open your heart, creating a portal for your Love and Gratitude to flow through, intentionally sending gentle waves to warm, comfort and connect on every level.
You will feel the difference – and others will, too!