Today I am grateful for:
The World Gratitude Gathering and day 3 exercise which is to:
consider twelve people who have profoundly influenced and inspired you … be these friends, family, authors, explorers, artists or leaders … remember, these may be any number of INFINITE possibilities.
Call to them with your heart, giving thanks for their presence in your life, sending a wave of energetic appreciation their way.
Now, emotionally invite these Masters to guide you through these 42 days of World Gratitude – energetically connecting to their wisdom, example and experience – in order to form a circle of support, intimately familiar to YOU, that will ultimately serve everyone at World Gratitude.

- Being able have a morning walk on the beach after the week of rain, even if we did get frozen toes
- The rising sun shing into my heart and soul
- Winning an award for my first table topics evaluation at toastmasters last night
- Getting my workroom decluttered, feels like magic found a few treasures too
- Abraham and the focus wheel process
What are you grateful for today?
Call to them with your heart, giving thanks for their presence in your life, sending a wave of energetic appreciation their way.