What Am I Grateful For Today? #121

Today I am so happy and grateful for:

  • The magic of the moon shining as I went for a walk tonight
  • The fabulous Q & A session with Mari Smith today on facebook and twitter, so much learning
  • living in an abundant world
  • clean water and clean fresh air
  • the fantastic SMTB forum, what a gift
  • the colors of nature that brighten each day
  • all the new twitter followers I have
  • the abundance of inspiration I get each day from twitter and facebook

What are you grateful for today?



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2 responses to “What Am I Grateful For Today? #121”

  1. Joyce McKee Avatar
    Joyce McKee

    That the internet can bring together like-minded people who can become friends!

    1. Suzie Cheel Avatar
      Suzie Cheel

      that is so true and why I love it:)