Thursday Gratitude

Today I am grateful for

Cloud Magic

  1. The wonderful patterns the clouds made in the sky this morning when I walked on the beach. What a greeting to start the day
  2. The magic tonight of the full moon in the sky- it had such a big smile 🙂
  3. This wonderful message tonight from TUT: Sure, there have been surprises. Some, not so fun.
    But you have to admit with hindsight, moving forward was actually easy.Something worth remembering, – The Universe
  4. The amazing resources I have access to- 2 great calls today where I was left both with ideas and learning
  5. Having a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in and I am now about to enjoy a good nights sleep
  6. My gift today was the amazing webinar with David Merman Scott- and
  7. My gain was finally acknowledging that I have to say no to all my distractions

What are you grateful for today?

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