Today I am grateful for:
- Having a wonderful start to the day at the Farmers Markets. Great fruit and vegs, taking the time to chat with various stall holders, both the regulars and new ones.
- the joy I felt when after buying the fresh herbs, lettuce and my favorite watercress, the owner them came out from behind the stall and gave us free oak lettuce. I love the abundance.

- Having such wonderful close friends who when you call after a long time between talking, the conversation just flows
- for having my hearing back fully and hearing the kookaburra chorus first thing in the morning
- hearing from a friend how wonderful her trip to Barcelona had been- reminded me of the magic I felt when I went their 20 odd years ago- I still remember the wonderful Gaudi architecture. Memories are wonderful. Just yesterday when I was looking for some cards, I found a book of postcards I bought many years ago in a bookshop in Nuseum of Modern Ast New York/
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