Category: Gratitude
Day 1 Gratitude Challenge
I loved this quote Nicole shared on day 1 of the Gratitude Challenge “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” ~Meister Eckhart Today’s practice has 3 parts which we are to follow each day of the challenge and beyond: Firstly is to share 5 things I am grateful…
Join The 30 Day Gratitude Program and Change Your Life
Are you ready to change your life? Yesterday my friend and soul sister Nicole Cody from the blog Cauldron and Cupcakes: don’t you just love the name 🙂 announced that she was going to run a 30 Day Gratiutde Challenge. She is doing this to help someone who currently is finding life challenging. In turn…
Gratitude For Magical Moments
Day 23 The Gratitude Challenge My 5 blessings for today are: I am grateful to the sunset yesterday that I saw as I was was at the kitchen sink because it reminds me how magical mother nature is and it filled my heart with joy. I am truly grateful for being able to walk longer…
8 Inspirational Abundance Quotes To Open The Doors To Gratitude
The A to Z of Gratitude I have decided to give my daily gratitude a boost and give this blog a new lease of life. Currently I have so much to be grateful for. If you haven’t seen my around you can read what’s been happening at Suzie’s Healing Journey. Starting today with A for…
Radishes With Heart
I was so delighted when taking the tops off the radishes to find these perfectly formed heart shaped leaves. I felt so blessed that nature had given me so much joy. I was also very grateful for the wonderful fresh produce we buy each week at the farmers markets. What are you grateful for today?
Inspired Gratitude
“Gratitude comes easily when our lives are in order-when the bills are paid, the children are behaving, our health is good. But our challenges are what bring the chance for transformation. And it is for our deepest pain that we can be most grateful, because we know our hardship will deliver a lesson that refines…
Inspired Gratitude Love
The view from my beach gym at Rainbow Bay © Suzie Cheel My friend Sandhan has set up a group on Facebook called Inspired Gratitude Love and it has been the call to action that I needed to get this blog back on track. I am inspired every day to be grateful when I walk…
Have You Counted Your Blessings?
[youtube][/youtube] Today I feel so blessed Sonia Choquette and Her Ask Your Guides Online Video program that I am taking. The meditation Sonia gave us to do as part of a daily practice The layer that are being shed as I let go of judgements This beautiful video that reminds us to count our blessings…
What Am I Grateful for Today
Today I am grateful for: Where I live that I get to see this magic most mornings The warm sea this autumn morning the raised my vibes as I swam The patterns that the clouds make, like the angels are here My friend Karen calling me on here holiday, I so value her The fresh…
A World of Thanks
Last week I was introduced to Nick Mann by my friend Steve Saucy from The Attractionaires. Nick had a wonderful project that fits so well with this gratitude site that I decided to share this with you. [youtube][/youtube] During the month of December, share the Magic of the Holidays with someone special by posting a…