Category: Abundance
Abundant Thinking Comes From Counting Our Blessings
Day 10 : The Gratitude Challenge It’s Day 10 of the Gratitude Challenge and today I see Nicole has shared one of a wonderful quotes from Winnie The Pooh: “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh Day 10 of the…
Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge
What’s Your Vision For Tomorrow? It’s Day 8 of the Gratitude Challenge and today I see Nicole has shared one of my favorite gratitude quotes from Melody Beattie: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It…
Be Grateful For The Money In Your Life
Day 7- The Gratitude Challenge My gratitude rock charging up my $5 note and my new money magnet “When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.” ~ Anthony Robbins Today is money day at Day 7 of the Gratitude Challenge : Nicole says: “In order to create financial flow we need to feel abundant. We…
Giving Thanks Allows Abundance To Flow
Day 3- The Gratitude Challenge “You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be…
Join The 30 Day Gratitude Program and Change Your Life
Are you ready to change your life? Yesterday my friend and soul sister Nicole Cody from the blog Cauldron and Cupcakes: don’t you just love the name 🙂 announced that she was going to run a 30 Day Gratiutde Challenge. She is doing this to help someone who currently is finding life challenging. In turn…
Abundance Today
What I am Grateful For Today…………. The sunglasses I found at the beach this morning after having forgotten mine and it was so sunny I was squinting and there lying on the sand Des noticed a pair lying on the sand and they fitted perfectly and were the same color as a pair that broke…
Abundance Flows from Gratitude
Today I am Grateful for a Super Abundant Week Today I am so full of gratitude and have just completed on of my daily exercises from Sonia Choquette that talked about keeping a gratitude journal. I have been journaling offline for the past month. Today I have decided to bring this back online. I hope…
Simple Abundance
Beach Abundance: Walking on the beach this morning I was aware of being surrounded by so much abundance The warmth of the sun shining as I walked The beauty of the looking out to the horizon The joy I felt as I skipped along singing and even dancing The magic of the salt water cleansing…
Monday Abundance
Today I Am Grateful for…….. This wonderful postal surprise I received today. I love getting gift vouchers The love and attention that Simone Perele takes in making comfortable bras, it is a great story- The story of Simone Perele, the company, is really the story of an intelligent and beautiful young woman who had an…
Sunday Gratitude
Today I am grateful for: The Sunday Thought by Lance over at The Jungle of Life that reminds me that when I live from the heart how joy filled my life is. The free advice I got from the owner of Zen Energy yesteray The joy of having wonderful eyesight and the beautiful colors I…