Today I am grateful for:
- to me on Day 60 of recording my accountability (often a challenge actually making the committment to do what I say I will do) and developing the habit of blogging daily- thanks to Connie Ragen Green for issuing the challenge
- creating a new walking habit of walking just before sunset 5 days this week. Great for my fitness, a break from the omputer, often getting clarity on a challenge or a new idea and becoming more aware of the changing patterns of the sky and light at sunset.
- the new subscribers here, friends and new blogs for me to visit
- making it okay to be where I am at right now, I am learning to stop beating myself up for what I haven’t done and seeing all the postive in what I have done.
- The inspiration I get from the sea each morning.
Day 12 of World Gratitude Gathering is ” Heart of You” Gratitude is a gift of Love, flowing from our sacred heart space ~ a timely reflection of our heavenly presence on earth.
What are you grateful for today?