Will you Dream Big With Gratitude Today?

Day 19 The Gratitude Challenge

gratitude Vision board

Day 19 of the Gratitude Challenge: Today I am catching up on daydreaming as suggested by Nicole in yesterday’s challenge The extra challenge was is to make a dream board and somewhere on your board write the words Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Read more here The Abraham quote is great to reflect om

Look for things that you appreciate where you are. It will put you in a place of perfect allowing, even when you are not yet manifesting all that you want. “There are many people right now experiencing the dream that is coming for me, who were at one time standing right where I’m standing. I’m right on track. There is not anything amiss here. Everything is unfolding perfectly. I am perfect where I am and gravitating to something that will satisfy me even more.” That’s the attitude that lets it expand.  ~  Abraham

My 5 blessings for today are:

  1. I am grateful for the visioning challenge because I took time out to focus on my dreams. This will now be on the wall besides my bed so i see it when I wake in the morning and go to sleep at night
  2. I am truly grateful for my creativity because it is a gift that allows me to open into love
  3. I am very grateful that I took time out yesterday to rest because my back responded with a smile. Note to self- remember this each day the body likes to rest to heal
  4. I feel so grateful for the telephone because it allows me to be in touch with friends faraway
  5. I am so grateful that yesterday I took time out to play because I watched the movie Avatar so many messages of love and good


Will you  dream big with gratitude  today?

Now I am off to count my blessing then to tai chi at the beach – wishing you a joy filled day. Please share your blessings below or at http://facebook.com/suziecheel



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