Day 1 Gratitude Challenge

I loved this quote Nicole shared on day 1 of the Gratitude Challenge

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” ~Meister Eckhart

Today’s practice has 3 parts which we are to follow each day of the challenge and beyond: Firstly is to share 5 things I am grateful for and why:

  1. I am so grateful for sun shining at the beach this morning because it gives me vitamin D that builds my bones
  2. I am very grateful for fresh strawberries I had for breakfast because they tasted so delicious and smelt yummy
  3. I am  blessed to have a garden because I can grow fresh herbs and veggies
  4. I am so grateful for all the love and support I have, because it helps me to heal.
  5. I am grateful for my ipod, because I can do my special shiver shaking outside in the sun
Secondly to counted my blessings on my fingers following Nicole’s instructions:
Count each Blessing like this – Touch your thumb and say Today I am grateful for _______________.  As you list each Blessing, visualise that thing in your mind, and summon emotion about that thing.  Feel yourself smile, or radiate love, or feel positive, encouraged, comforted or any other  emotion that makes you feel good. Then say Thank You from your heart.
Thirdly to use the Gratitude Rock you have chosen at night before you go to sleep. Hold it in your hand and say  I am richly Blessed. I have an Abundance of Good in my life.  then reviewing your blessings from the morning oe other things you are grateful for from your day. You might carry the rock with you during the gay or leave it by your bed to use each night…… read this in more detail at Cauldrons and Cupcakes

My Gratitude Rock

What a wonderful way to celebrate your blessed life

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