Friday Gratitude

What I am Grateful For Today…………..

  1. My Traveling at the Speed of Love buddies for our weekly skype call Tippy and Barbara
  2. Bill Barren for the awesome call he had yesterday with Christine Kloser– such great tips and a tool to establish if your business coaching is working
  3. To me for getting started on getting my book Emergings onto Amazon, finally ready to share my baby with the world.
  4. Thanks to my coach for the accountability
  5. A great nights sleep and waking full on energy
  6. The opportunities that open up as I open to trusting my intuition.
  7. For acknowledging what I have done today- focus on the positive.
  8. Sitting in the sunshine have fresh fruit for breakfast
  9. My morning beach walk at Rainbow Bay

What are you grateful for today?

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